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Spring Cleaning List

Spring Cleaning List

Sometimes the deep cleaning we expect ourselves to complete each spring feels overwhelming. We all know that our homes need a little face lift when winter is over. The crumbs from those evenings cuddled on the couch with Netflix and cookies are still around, as well as all our heavy winter clothes. Deep cleaning doesn’t have to be all-consuming, though. This spring, check off the most important items on your spring cleaning list and don’t sweat the small stuff! A new season means we’ll still be spending a few week nights on the couch with Netflix and cookies – just with different colored throw pillows.

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Spring Cleaning List

  1. Dust fans, blinds, shelves, and countertops.
  2. Replace air filters.
  3. Dish wash toothbrush holder and soap dish.
  4. Empty fridge of expired condiments.
  5. Go through clothes and donate what you won’t wear next year.
  6. Put scented sachets in boots and shoes to keep the closet smelling fresh.
  7. Rotate or flip mattress.
  8. Wash bath mats and decorative towels.
  9. Replace shower curtain liner.
  10. Clean trash cans.

 paris with shoes

There you go! If you can knock out the ten items on our Spring Cleaning List, you’ll be much better off heading into the spring and summer without trying to take on the whole house at one time. Keep it simple, keep things clean, and keep your sanity.

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