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Case Studies: Retailers That Have Mastered the Art of Scent

Case Studies: Retailers That Have Mastered the Art of Scent

Case Studies: Retailers That Have Mastered the Art of Scent

In the world of retail, the smallest changes can yield the biggest results—sometimes even transforming an entire product category. Retailers who’ve made strategic, often minor, tweaks to their product placements have seen substantial returns. These adjustments can mean the difference between a slow-moving product and one that drives a significant percentage of category sales.

Today, we’ll share real-life examples of retailers who, by taking simple actions—whether rethinking sachet placement, testing product in select stores, or investing in vendor-sourced displays—unlocked enormous potential. By modeling these success stories, you can mirror their results and drive higher profits in your own category.

The Scent Strategy Plan

There’s a formula to creating an effective scent strategy, and it revolves around three key principles:

  1. Be strategic about location – The placement of sachets and other scented products matters more than you might think.
  2. Let bestselling scents lead the way – Position your top-performing fragrances where customers are most likely to engage.
  3. Optimize and adjust for your specific customer base – Every store is different; tailor your scent strategy to align with what your shoppers respond to.

By following these guidelines, you can create an atmosphere that boosts not only foot traffic but also your bottom line.

The Pitfalls of Poor Placement: Case Study #1

A 750+ store retailer specializing in crafts learned the hard way what happens when you overlook the importance of strategic shelf placement. During a routine seasonal shuffle, sachets were moved to the bottom shelf. This small change resulted in an astonishing 65% drop in sales.

To make matters worse, the timing coincided with the arrival of a new buying team, unfamiliar with the product’s previous success. Without understanding why sales had plummeted, the team quickly cut sachets from the upcoming season’s assortment. Seemingly overnight, the company lost $500,000 in sales due to a simple, innocent shelving error.

The lesson? The wrong shelf height can lead to steep losses and even program discontinuation.

The Power of Smart Placement: Case Study #2

In stark contrast, a well-known superstore took the opposite approach. Though they initially launched sachets on the bottom shelf, early sales were underwhelming. But instead of scrapping the program, the company decided to test sachets at a higher, more visible (or scent-able) shelf level in 90 of their stores.

The result? Sales in those stores surged by 57%, proving that proper placement can be the difference between failure and success.

The takeaway is clear: sachets should be positioned between waist and nose level to optimize visibility and drive sales. Bottom shelf placement, by comparison, can result in missed opportunities and a decline in revenue.


Zero to Hero: From $0 to 25% of Total Home Fragrance Sales

Two years ago, a 250-store chain did not see sachets as a high-impact product, despite our efforts to showcase their potential. But a new buyer, keen on injecting fresh energy into the home fragrance category, decided to take a calculated chance. Sachets were initially shipped to 90 stores. Though the program performed well, doubts remained about whether it could be a mainstay.

To differentiate the product, the retailer opted for a vendor-sourced display that highlighted sachets. This small change made a big difference. Not only did the sachets remain in the assortment, but the program expanded to all stores. Within two years, sachets went from an afterthought to accounting for over 26% of the chain’s total home fragrance sales.

The buyer, who initially had no experience with sachets, now considers them her number-one performing product.

The $10 Million Success: A Rare Yet Inspiring Case Study

In one of the most extreme examples of sachet success, a 500-store chain has turned sachet sales into a $10 million per year business. With over 20 years of sachet sales experience, their stores have seen exceptional success, including $80+ in daily sales per store.

This buyer’s strategy? Aggressively merchandising sachets beyond what was originally planned, and leveraging sachets' visibility and scent throughout their smaller stores. This high level of familiarity among customers and clever display placement led to a historic level of success.

Though $10 million sachet sales are not typical for most chains, this example shatters the myth that sachets cannot be a substantial category in large-scale retail. Many successful Fresh Scents retailers consistently report that sachets contribute over half of their non-candle fragrance sales.

These case studies show one thing loud and clear—small, strategic adjustments can have a monumental impact on sales. Whether it's rethinking shelf height, leveraging vendor-sourced displays, or focusing on high-traffic areas, the right choices can elevate sachets from an afterthought to a top performer in your store. Here are the key takeaways:

  • Strategic display placement matters: Sachets should be positioned where they will catch the customer’s attention—typically at waist-to-nose level—making them easy to smell and buy. Bottom shelf placement or back corners can result in missed opportunities. Instead, ensure sachets are displayed where your customers are most likely to engage.
  • Vendor-sourced displays make a difference: By incorporating vendor-provided displays, sachets can stand out in your store, boosting sales and customer’s ability to smell them.
  • Don’t underestimate small changes: From testing sachets in select stores to adjusting their positioning within the category, seemingly minor tweaks can lead to significant sales growth.
  • Test and optimize consistently: Even a single adjustment—whether in placement or display—can transform sales performance. Regularly assess and tweak based on results to maintain momentum.

Ready to Optimize Your Sachet Sales?

By taking control of your in-store scent strategy, you can move from accidental sales to purposeful success. Implementing Fresh Scents sachets into a well-thought-out plan will not only improve your customer’s in-store shopping experience, but also boost your sales.

Are you ready to transform your store’s scent experience and unlock the next 25% of your category’s potential?